Workshop on Racial Equity by Tammy Johnson

As part of our investigations and dialogues on race, NAKA is hosting a free racial equity workshop by Tammy Johnson

Saturday, August 3rd, 4-8pm
Sunday, August 4th, 10am-12noon
900 East 11th Street
Oakland, CA

Space is limited to 18 participants. Please RSVP to

More details:

Racial Equity Training

Tammy Johnson will conduct a two day training with the goal of creating a shared understanding about the principles of a racial equitable framework. 


Different Levels of Racism: This training module identifies and defines different levels of racism – internalized, interpersonal, institutional and structural racism. A realistic scenario of routine racism is presented and "unpacked" to give people practice distinguishing different forms of racism and developing options for challenging institutional racism. The goal of this training is to create a common language for future action.

What is Racial Justice? This training module provides an introduction to the concept of racial justice as a vehicle for equity. It distinguishes the equity component of racial justice from diversity, equality and multi-culturalism. It also draws distinctions between a racial justice/race conscious perspective and a colorblind/race-silent perspective 

Acknowledging The Elephant in the Room: Participants identify several challenges related to race and racial inequality in their communities and organizations. This session focuses on surfacing these challenges as a first step towards beginning to address them. 

Racial Legacies Past and Present provides an opportunity for participants to connect their personal histories to a historic timeline of key public policies, economic conditions, social movements, and the contributions of artists. Participants will be guided through an investigation of the impact of social institutions, systems of oppressions and key moments in history. The session concludes with participants identifying personal and professional “anchor legacies” drawn from their work. 

Strategic Discussions: Interspersed throughout other training models, these are guided discussions that allow participants to go deeper into the equity framework and connect the concepts to their work.


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