Demasiado / Too Much

Ana Muñoz created these three artworks which were inspired by:

1. The poem “Too Much” by Learkana Chong, written in response to the Atlanta Spa shootings on March 16, 2021 in which eight people were killed, six of whom were Asian women, and one other person was wounded.

2. The mass graves of Indigenous children uncovered at a number of residential schools in British Columbia.

3. The violence inflicted on Black folk, or the “tercera raiz” in her home country of Mexico.

Tu Lucha es Mi Lucha is supported by Belonging in Oakland: A Just City Cultural Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation. The Just City Cultural Fund is a unique public-private partnership of the East Bay Community Foundation, the Akonadi Foundation, and Oakland's Cultural Affairs Division. The Fund is supported by the Surdna Foundation's national initiative Radical Imagination for Racial Justice and additional funding from the Akonadi Foundation.